Message of Solidarity from Civil Society

To our fellow Montrealers,

As members of civil society who share deeply-held values of respect, non-violence and freedom of expression, we are jointly voicing this message.

While we may not agree on every detail of life and politics, we are all committed to maintaining the peace and well-being of our communities, their institutions and their members. In spite of what is happening in other parts of the world, and regardless of our convictions and involvement in these matters, we urge everyone to never allow ideologies, religious beliefs, or political positions to become a cause for hatred of another human being.

We recognize that there is tremendous pain and grief in Montreal right now, and at times people may have the genuine need to express their thoughts and feelings, whether individually or in groups. We also recognize that civil society can have an important role in advocating for positive social change. At the same time, we urge that all self-expression avoids any form that may be perceived as threatening, intimidating or actively violent, and that it does not glorify or take joy in violence of any kind.

We are all neighbours. We all deserve dignity and respect. We all need to feel safe in our homes and our streets. Montreal should be a model for the world, reflected in the everlasting great tree of life and peace that appears on its flag.

As such, we stand in solidarity for social harmony and against discrimination, violence and hatred in our city, now and forever.

Signatures as of 15 december

Dr. Amal Elsana Alhjooj, PLEDJ, Founder and Executive Director 

Brian Bronfman, O.Q., Peace Network for Social Harmony, President 

Jean Panet-Raymond, École de travail social, Université de Montréal, Professeur émérite

Dr. Sharon Gubbay Helfer, Concordia Institute for Canadian Jewish Studies

Nadine St-Louis, Les Productions Feux Sacrés, VP des opérations

Phyllis Lambert, Centre Canadien d’Architecture, Fondateur, Directeur Émérite

Rafaël Provost, ENSEMBLE pour le respect de la diversité, Directeur général

Garth Green, McGill School of Religious Studies

Anwar Alhjooj, Montreal City Mission

Fo Niemi, Centre de recherche-action sur les relations raciales CRARR, Directeur général

Fabienne Colas, Montreal International Black Film Festival, President and Founder

Julie Savaria, Masla Empathy Lab, Founder and CEO

Steven Laperrière, RAPLIQ, Directeur général

Dorothy Rhau, Audace au Féminin, présidente, directrice générale

André Comeau Ad. E., Fondation Simple Plan

Robert Kleinman FCA, Alex Dworkin Foundation

Alain Joseph, Coconut Podcast, Directeur général

Stephen Brown, National Council of Canadian Muslims, CEO

Barry Cole, Cole Foundation, President

Stéphane Vaillancourt, Les YMCA du Québec, Président - directeur général

Marisa Samek, PLEDJ, Board Chair 

Stephen Hecht, Million Peacemakers, Chief Executive Peacemaker

Matthew Price-Gallagher, Youth Forum Founder and President, Quantum Leap Experiment

Monette Malewski, Groupe M Bacal Group, President

Valerie Shannon, University Women's Club of Montreal

Sam Muller, Le Conseil des Juifs Hassidiques du Québec (CJHQ), Directeur général

Samira Laouni, C.O.R., Président - Fondatrice

Denburk Reid, Montreal Community Cares Foundation, Founder & CEO

Joan Lee, West Island Black Community Association (WIBCA), President

Isabelle Boissé, Institut Pacifique, Directrice générale

Joseph Vumiliya, Initiatives et Changement Canada, Coordonnateur provincial

Brigitte Fleury, Institut Pacifique, Responsable philanthropique 

Farida Mohamed, Canadian Council of Muslim Women Montreal, Co-President

Maxyne Finkelstein, Morris & Rosalind Goodman Family Foundation, President

Helen Antoniou, Brian Bronfman Family Foundation

Ian Van Haren, Action Réfugiés Montréal, Directeur général

Rafael Benitez, PAAL Partageons le monde, Co founder and Artistic director

Estelle Drouvin, Centre de services de justice réparatrice, Directrice des services

Normand Beaudet, Centre de ressources sur la non-violence, Membre du conseil d'administration

Linda Gauthier, RAPLIQ, Senior consultant 

Bob W. White, Laboratoire de recherche sur les relations interculturelles, directeur

Stephen Bronfman, Claudine and Stephen Bronfman Family Foundation, Co-Chair

Kevin Deer

Robert Charlebois

Thupten Jinpa Langri

Fabrice Vil

Andrew Molson

Jonathan Goldbloom

Fatma Djebbar

Balarama Holness

Judi Richards

Yvon Deschamps

Claire Trottier

Joel Segal

Jeff Hart

Rani Cruz

Peter Helfer

Joy Elyahou

Paul Anthony Clarke

Elaine Bander

Darline Rosenhek

Marion Bellin

Jackie  Rosenhek

Patrice Brodeur

Eli Batalion

Jonathan Goodman

Daniel Amar

Will Prosper

Joseph Levy

Ehab Lotayef

Jorge Frozzini

Daniel Côté

Alysia Yip-Hoi

Tzippy Corber 

Pierre Anctil

Alice Herscovitch

Nadia Duguay, Fondation Béati, Directrice générale
Martine Roy, TD, directrice régionale, développement des affaires LGBTQ2+ et Le Fonds Purge LGBT, présidente
Florence Gagnon, Fierté au travail Canada, directrice développement créatif